Midnight Shadows: Psychological Thriller
Detective Lara Monroe has always been a lone wolf, haunted by shadows from her past. But when a string of chilling disappearances grips the small town of Midnight Falls, she finds herself thrust into a twisted conspiracy older than the town itself. Each victim leaves behind a bloody message, each clue pointing closer to home—and to the dark secrets buried deep within the town's history. Disgraced journalist Jack Whitmore, battling his demons, has followed the whispers of a secret society for years. When his latest investigation collides with Lara’s, they form a reluctant alliance driven by a shared need for redemption and a desperate thirst for the truth. Together, they unravel the mysteries of an ancient Order whose influence has shaped the town for generations. As they peel back the layers of deception, they must confront their enemies and the shadows within themselves—or risk becoming the Order’s next sacrifice.
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