Thaddeus of Beewicke by Louis Sauvain
International Amazon Best Seller!
Winner - Best Fantasy 2023 PenCraft Book Awards
Sauvain has crafted a rich and vivid world filled with magical spells and fantastical creatures that will captivate readers that is expertly written. Thaddeus of Beewicke is an engaging and immersive novel, drawing readers into the world of the College of Sorcerers and keeping them hooked until the very end. With each twist and turn in the plot, readers will be on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating what comes next.
-Literary Titan Silver Award
Thaddeus is threatened by forces both natural and Supernatural ... can he survive?
The beekeeper’s son has his life’s plans in front of him. The Master Sorcerer, Silvestrus, paints a palette of wonder, promising the boy’s parents he will learn an honorable trade and become his Apprentice.
It is an ideal opportunity for the young boy. But, it is an opportunity that is beset by beasts, brigands, a Daemon, a black-haired Courtesan, the King of the Moths, tree fiends, ghost legions and Greensward Aelvae, not to mention an attempt on his life by the Master Assassin of the Cin.
Can Thaddeus’ aged Master protect him from a failed Sorceress?
Can the Apprentice fully trust a Master who conceals the fact that he is over a thousand years old?
Can Thaddeus persuade the long-dead Ghosts of the Lost Legion to fight for him?
Can Thaddeus trust the Street Thief who stole his father’s gold?
Can the Prophecy make demands for the sacrifice of the Earth?
Can the most powerful form of Sorcery save Mankind?
With a blend of magic, friendship and blossoming romance, author Louis Sauvain delivers an heoric drop-in to drop-out epic fantasy journey in Book 1: Thaddeus of Beewicke.
Book Length: 320-650 Pages